Welcome to "Life with the Maxies"! Kyle likes to think of it as "Maxie Madness". We live in Hattiesburg and are the proud parents of Kolt Allen who is 19 months and Kylee Jo who just recently turned one month old. Kyle is the head baseball coach at PCS and I am a first grade teacher at Earl Travillion Attendance Center. We attend Venture Church and are so happy that God chose to lead us there! We are so thankful for all of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us and pray that He can use us to be His light for others to see Him.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I am two months old!

I cannot believe Kolt is already two months old! We love him more and more every day. He is one of the sweetest and well natured babies I have ever been with (and I’ve kept a lot of babies!) He is grown so much this month, both physically and mentally!

He went through a growth spurt about two weeks ago. I felt like I could not keep him fed! When we finally got over the growth spurt we began to notice he was spitting up more and more frequently. He also was crying more and more, especially at night. We knew something just wasn’t right so we went to the doctor. The doctor confirmed that he has reflux (which we felt like he had). The doctor gave us some tips to help with the spit up and we also started on medicine. These changes have brought back our happy baby! It is amazing the difference we were able to see in just 24 hours! We are so blessed to live in town with our pediatrician clinic. They take such good care of us!

A few things that have happened over the past two months:

- Kolt weighs 10 pounds and 15 ounces (almost 11 pounds!) and he is 23.25 inches long!

- He has already started his first round of shots :(

- Kolt is smiling at laughing – especially when mommy and daddy do something funny or he thinks his toys are funny! This just melts our hearts even more!

- He loves to help hold his bottle. It’s amazing how well he does it!

- Kolt loves to play! He enjoys playing on his activity mat or on a pallet. His two favorite toys right now are his “baby deer” and his snail.

- Holding his head up. Like I have said before, he is one strong boy. He loves to hold his head up and look around! He never wants to miss a thing!

- He rolls over. I leave him in one position, come back and he has changed! He wants to get comfy! We love to just watch him when he does this!

- He just recently started sleeping in his big boy bed. We have a visual monitor and the regular monitors so mommy and daddy can feel at ease. He is the reason we made the transition. Since he was born he has slept in his pack and play so he could sleep wherever we were. However, lately he began not sleeping as well so I started to let him nap in his crib. He LOVED it! So after daddy hooked up the monitors he has started sleeping in his crib at night time. Mommy has actually done really well with the transition! (Even though I do miss him just being in the same room as me!)

- Kolt has found his tongue! He is so funny always sticking it out at us. He is has also started blowing bubbles every now and then J

Being parents has brought both Kyle and I such joy! Our house is currently preparing for baseball season. I know Kolt will love being outside at the games cheering on his daddy! We love watching him grow every day. With “Kolt man” around there is never a dull moment with his lovable and funny personality!

(I can't keep him still anymore!:))

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I am one month old!

I know a month has already passed but I wanted to post this anyway!

It is hard to believe that Kolt is already one month old! The first month has definitely flown by. We kept saying on January 3, “Just think, today is the day he is supposed to be here!” which was only 5 days before he was a month old! We have already been so blessed by the sweet baby boy! Here are a few things about Kolt from his first month:

-          I have slept all night once (we can’t wait for more of those!)

-          I love to play on my activity mat

-          My favorite thing is when mommy and daddy feed me a bottle!
-       I am such a happy and loving baby!

-          I weigh 9 pounds and 1 ounce

Our premature baby has definitely not slowed down for one minute since he was born! He is so alert, active, and strong! He has literally been trying to roll over since he was in the hospital. His doctor was shocked when he saw it! We know this is only the beginning of him amazing us! We thank God everyday for blessing us with such a wonderful baby boy!