Welcome to "Life with the Maxies"! Kyle likes to think of it as "Maxie Madness". We live in Hattiesburg and are the proud parents of Kolt Allen who is 19 months and Kylee Jo who just recently turned one month old. Kyle is the head baseball coach at PCS and I am a first grade teacher at Earl Travillion Attendance Center. We attend Venture Church and are so happy that God chose to lead us there! We are so thankful for all of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us and pray that He can use us to be His light for others to see Him.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

5 months and then some...

  Another month has passed and our sweet baby girl is now 5 months old. Saying that I am behind on my monthly blog is an understatement. But, here I am now. Kylee Jo’s personality is really starting to shine. She is rolling over but her favorite thing to do is pull up by using someone’s fingers so she can sit up and see everything. She is not a fan of being on her tummy. Kylee Jo is definitely our laid back baby. She doesn’t like to do much work and would rather be kicked back enjoying a bottle and watching TV.  Kylee Jo loves trying to grab her feet and she gets quite mad when it doesn’t always work out. She has also started noticing her hands and will just stare at them while opening and closing them. She absolutely loves when someone is talking to her and she will “talk” back and giggle at you. Her new favorite thing to do is “fake cough” until someone says something to her..haha. Kylee Jo has also had her first tastes of baby food but wasn't as crazy about it as Kolt was. 

    It is amazing to already see the difference in our kids. Kylee Jo takes after her daddy in the sleeping department and Kolt takes after me. Kylee Jo likes to go to sleep between 6:45-7. However, she is ready to play around 5:30 in the morning. She would rather go to sleep early and wake up early. Her brother on the other hand, likes to stay awake as long as possible and sleep late the next morning, just like me.

    It is once again my favorite time of year. I love the fall and Christmas seasons. We went to the pumpkin patch again this year and had so much fun. Our family will celebrate Thanksgiving this Thursday at Kyle’s grandmother’s house with his family. I am excited to celebrate Kylee Jo’s first Thanksgiving and Kolt’s second. I have planned for our elf, Buddy to make his grand appearance Friday morning with a fun breakfast. Kolt may not remember this in the years to come but I know he will love waking up to the fun things Buddy has planned for him on Friday morning.

   We have Kolt’s birthday party set for the first Saturday in December. He is having a farm themed party. Our little man is obsessed with farm animals so we thought this was fitting. We also have planned for Kylee Jo’s baby dedication to be in January. We are looking forward to celebrating in Christ with our church family. There is so much to look forward to in the upcoming weeks, including baseball season. It will be here before we know it!

    I pray that all of our family and friends have a blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas season. But I also pray that we remember the true meaning of this season and that is Jesus Christ! Without him, we truly would have nothing.

“Give thanks with a grateful heart.” Thessalonians 5:6

She thinks daddy is so funny!

"Yawn" - what she really thinks of these pictures.

"If I could just get that camera!"

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Half way to 50

“Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her.” Luke 1:45

    Hello 25. I see so many different posts on social media encouraging women to complete “bucket lists” by the age of 25. I also see posts discouraging women from “marrying at a young age”. Every woman is different. In my case, my “bucket list” is completely different (like take both kids to the pumpkin patch) than those posted and I married at what some may see as a young age (I was 22 but I married an "older man" ;) . But guess what? I couldn’t be happier!
    The past few years have without a doubt been a whirlwind for me. College, marriage, moving/first baby (same weekend I might add), new job, second baby. WHEW! While I would like to say that all of this was a breeze that would be a lie. The hardest for me would have to be the move to Hattiesburg. I was so excited for my husband and his new job opportunity; however, I was at home with a new baby and not having any friends in this new town. During this time, my relationship with God was strengthened. I prayed for Christian friends for our family. I tell Lacey Wade all of the time, “You and your family were an answer to my prayers.” She will never know how much I cherish our precious friendship. While we are together our families can laugh at each other because we go through the exact same things.
    Another answered prayer was being hired as a first grade teacher at a local school in Forrest County. I am blessed to say this is my second year doing something I love. I love teaching and always have. Is every day easy? Absolutely not. Do I love the extra hours of work I do after work? No. But I never dread going to work and that is not something everyone can say.
    My babies bring such joy to my life. I get “sympathy looks” all of the time when I am out with both of them by myself.  I wish I had a dollar for every time someone says, “Mmm, you’ve got your hands full!” Yes I do, but my hands are full of love. My house is always a mess, toys are everywhere and the kitchen isn’t clean. But I can tell you I have two happy children that don’t care how messy or clean the house may be. If you ever drop by for an unexpected visit, don’t even think about judging my home!
     My biggest answered prayer was officially answered on June 16, 2012. I had prayed for God to send me the right man. I was tired of waiting and being let down. Once I finally handed it over to God (and this time I really did), When I least expected it, along came a boy from Mississippi. From that day forward, I was with my best friend. Believe it or not, I may not always be the easiest person to live with but he never lets it show. The saying “I never knew how much I loved your father until I saw him with you” is so true for me, except times two. I could not ask for a better father for our two children. He takes everything in stride while I am a stressed mess. It is so funny how opposite we are about things. I do believe that opposites attract.
    One thing I absolutely cannot leave out is Venture Church (previously First Hattiesburg). This church has been an answered prayer for our whole family. I remember Kyle and I having conversations when we moved to Hattiesburg saying we would never go to a church “that big”. However, we were led to try it. I am so glad we did! It’s been over a year now that we have been members of this amazing church.  We have made such wonderful friends and built relationships with other believers. The most important to me is the children’s ministry. I have never had to worry about my babies being in the nursery. I know without a doubt they are being cared for and loved on (and maybe just maybe spoiled). We had to run by the drug store last Sunday on our way to church. We had to pass by the mall on the way. When we went past, Kolt began to cry and point at the mall. He thought the mall was church and that we weren’t going. (Yes I know, our church must be big for him to mistake the two). I love that our children love going to church. I hope it always stays that way!

      So for anyone who thinks turning 25 means you have so many things to do before you get married or before you turn 30, stop and make sure you are following God’s plan and not your own. My journey has been amazing thus far and I cannot wait to see what God has in store for the future.

Happy 2 months Kylee Jo!

    Happy two months (a couple of weeks late) to our Kylee Jo. The past two months with this sweet angel have been wonderful! She is such a good baby! I have to admit; Kolt’s first two months resulted in many, many long nights due to his colic. I was very nervous that we would experience this again. Thankfully, she has had no complications since coming home from the hospital! (The NICU was enough!)
    Kylee Jo loves to sit in her nap nanny and watch TV. While she sits up, she kicks her legs like she is ready to run and catch her bother! Lately brother has been sitting by her to read and share his toys with her. She loves the interaction! She can now give you the sweetest smile. I love to catch those on camera!
    A couple of weeks ago I took both of the kids to watch daddy coach his first Junior High football game of the season. I vowed I would never take the kids in a double stroller, but as Julia Cartee told me, “Never say never!” I somehow managed with both kids and that train of a stroller. The following Friday night we all went to the PCS varsity game. Kolt watched the game every minute we were there! He loves to watch football.
   The amount of love Kolt has for his little sister makes me want to cry just thinking about it. He doesn’t like when she cries and he wants someone to help her right away. He loves to bring her anything HE thinks she might need, like a bottle, her poppy, or burp cloth. Lately he has been wanting to share his food with her. Last night he put a bag of gummies in her nap nanny with her. That says a lot since those are his favorite snack!
    Some of our upcoming plans include more football games and tailgating at a Southern Miss game. I cannot wait until October to take both of the babies to the pumpkin patch! Fall is my absolute favorite time of year since there is so much to do with the kids!

“Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

2 month picture!

I love that sweet smile! :)

At daddy's football game

Before church one morning! :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Happy one month Kylee Jo!

   Wow, a whole month has passed since we welcomed our sweet Kylee Jo into the world. Like her bother, she decided to come on HER time. Also like her brother, she came a month early. As many of you know, Kylee Jo spent her first week in the NICU at Forrest General hospital here in Hattiesburg. Despite having to go to the NICU, she was a fighter and made major improvements every day. Exactly one week later we were able to bring our baby girl home. I tell people it shouldn’t count towards how old she is when she isn’t here with us!
    Our family has adjusted very well (much better than I had ever hoped for) to having a new baby. I spent many nights praying for Kolt to smoothly adjust to having his baby sister home and God heard my prayers. He is such a good big brother! Kylee Jo is a very easy baby so far. You just better have her bottle ready when it is time for her to eat!
     Kylee Jo typically eats every 3 hours and will eat anywhere from 2-4 ounces. Usually she likes to eat, burp, and go back to sleep. When she isn’t eating or sleeping she loves to look around with her bright eyes (especially when Kolt is around!). She loves to try and hold her bottle on her own; I think to make sure we don’t take it from her!
     I will be going back to work when school starts, which for me is August 1st.  This may seem fast to some but Kyle and I both feel that this will better for everyone in the long run. Since she came early she will be 6 weeks old when I start work. This summer has both helped us and spoiled us. We have been able to adjust to many changes during a more relaxed time. However, I know that once school starts we will all have to hit the ground running. Kyle and I will both be working and Kyle coaches Junior High football.
    As much as I have enjoyed the time off this summer, I cannot wait for fall. This is my new favorite season since having Kolt. I cannot wait for all of our family activities such as visiting the pumpkin patch and attending football games. Kolt has loved attending “church school” twice a week for half a day. He has so much fun and is completely worn out once he gets home. His two new favorite activities are coloring and playing with his Leggos. It’s amazing how much he has grown intellectually over the past few weeks. I will definitely miss our morning cuddles in the recliner watching TV, once school starts.
    I know I have shared this many times but words cannot express how amazing my husband has been to our babies and me the past couple of months. Towards the end of my pregnancy I was so miserable and Kyle would help with whatever he could. He also put up with my many many cravings that would hit at all times of the day (and night!). Once Kylee Jo arrived, he alternated taking care of Kolt and spending hours in the NICU. If there was a cord hooked up to Kylee Jo, Kyle knew exactly what it did and why she had it. He amazed me with his knowledge of the situation. I didn’t think it was possible but my love grew for him even more that week. I will never be able to thank him enough.
   As the summer once again comes to an end, I know I have so much to be thankful for. Thank you to all of our prayer warriors during a time that was both scary and stressful for us. You will never know how much your prayers were felt and appreciated.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him.
Psalm 28:7

Happy 1 month Kylee Jo!

(These are not the best pictures considering mommy is in a lot of pain tonight!)

Our precious babies!

Our baby boy looking so sweet!

A basket full of love and cuteness! 

I love this family picture of us!

Happy 4th of July!

He loves playing blocks with da-da

Sweet boy coloring with mommy

Kylee Jo all dressed up at church!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bringing home Kylee Jo

  Well, if it is in God’s plan, tonight is our last night at home as a family of 3. Tomorrow we will bring Kylee Jo home, as she turns one week old. I can honestly say this past week has not been as hectic as I feared it might have been. I have been given a peace that I know only God can me. We have been so blessed for our baby to be in amazing hospital NICU (that her Pops helped design). The doctors and nurses have treated her as if she was one of their own. It has also been a blessing that we live only a few minutes from the hospital. I know not everyone with a baby in the NICU is as fortunate.
    We cannot even begin to thank our prayer warriors enough. Just knowing that people are praying for you and your family makes such a difference. I know that God has heard every single prayer for Kylee Jo and for us. Just because we are brining her home doesn’t mean the prayers have to stop!
    I really cannot explain how amazing my husband has been this week. It honestly brings tears to my eyes as I think about all he has done for our family. From the minute Kylee Jo was taken from our hospital room Monday evening, he knew every single detail about her situation. Not only has been amazing with Kylee Jo and staying at the hospital with her but he comes home and is amazing with Kolt. He has done so much around the house and even tackled Wal-Mart with Kolt just to give me a break.
   We know Kolt is going to be a great big brother but also know it will take time for him to adjust. I pray the transition will be smooth for him. He loves to look at pictures of “Jo Jo” on my phone. For anyone wondering why we call her “Jo Jo” is because that is the name Kolt has given her since I was pregnant. It melted my heart the first time he touched my stomach and said “Jo Jo”. I think he has finally realized she is not in mommy’s tummy anymore. He did so well visiting her at the hospital this week. It has been good practice for him to see her gradually.
  I know our baby girl is a fighter and God has had her in the palm of His hand. We are so thankful to Him for making her strong and well. I pray that she continues to only progress from here.

I think this verse is even more fitting our baby girl now than before - “I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139: 14

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sweet Summer Time

   We are so thankful it is summer time for the Maxies! I love being able to spend more time as a family during our “off” season. I am also very thankful for a summer break the further along I become in my pregnancy. Kyle held a baseball camp last week at PCS and he does summer workouts during the week. Kolt gets to start going to church daycare two half days a week next week. We are excited for him to make new friends and know he will have a great time!

   I am now seeing the doctor once a week to check on Kylee Jo. As of right now, we still have the same due date, July 20. She is roughly measuring 5 pounds and 5 ounces as of the ultrasound last Thursday. I have been very determined to make sure we are ready any day, after Kolt surprised us so early last time. I am so thankful to be in the same town as my doctor and hospital this time! I am 35 weeks this week. A few things to note from this pregnancy: a lot more heartburn lately (hopefully she is working on hair for mommy to put bows in!) and I am very, very uncomfortable. I know I am getting on everyone’s nerves around me, constantly complaining! It’s a hot summer!

    Over the next few weeks, besides waiting on Kylee Jo, we plan to enjoy time in the pool we got for Kolt, attend our awesome Growth Group on Wednesday nights and relax (because in a few weeks, our lives will be even crazier…for the better!). We can’t wait to meet our baby girl!

“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God will help her, and that right early.” Psalm 46:5

Enjoying National Donut Day!

Trying on hats in Target with Daddy & Mommy

I love my new pool! 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's a girl!

With baseball in “full swing” I have not had the chance to really share our thoughts and feelings on our sweet little blessing. Kyle and I knew there wasn’t any way that we could have an ultrasound done and us NOT know the gender of our baby. So, we decided we would find out and keep everyone else in suspense. Boy did we get some texts from our family members once we knew the secret! : ) We planned to tell everyone by revealing an outfit for the baby the weekend after we found out so everyone could attend.  Most everyone was determined we were having another sweet little boy. Which is why the screams could be heard all through out the restaurant once Kolt pulled out the pink dress!

We are so excited to welcome Kylee Jo Maxie into our family this July. I have not even been able to tell the story behind her name. I am BIG into family names. Kolt’s middle name is Allen (like his daddy), which is Kyle’s mother’s maiden name.  I am named after all four of my grandparents: Julia from my daddy’s father, Howard Julian (HJ), Mari from my mama’s mother’s first name Marion, Lee from Jo Lee (my daddy’s mother’s name, also from my mama’s father Nyle Lee). Since Kyle and I got married, I knew that if we were ever blessed with a little girl, I wanted her to be named Kylee Jo to keep some part of the “Smith” name. If we were going to have another boy, his middle name was going to be Smith. This has always been very important to me, as I was never able to know either of my dad’s parents. I feel that this is one way for me to not only have them in my life, but in my children’s life as well.

Our big Kolt man loves baseball season this year. He cannot wait for a game to finish so he can run out on the field and play. He has some sort of ball in his hand about 75% of the day (and this includes a real baseball, so you better watch out!).  Next week we go for his 15-month check up. We cannot wait to see how much he has grown since his one-year appointment. Besides playing ball, Kolt loves to just be outside. When he goes to Kyle’s grandparents’ house he cannot wait to ride the 4-wheeler and the tractor. His favorite farm animal is a cow. He loves to ride and look at the cows, as well as tell you what a cow says. He is learning the different parts of his face (eyes, nose, ears, mouth). We are always amazed at how smart he is. He loves to read his books and point at all of the pictures.

I have become very spoiled this week with being able to have lazy, snuggly mornings with my baby boy. I really hate to see Spring Break end. It has been so nice to get things done around the house and not be completely exhausted at the end of the day. However, there are only 9 more weeks left of my first year as a teacher! That is really hard to believe!

We are praying for a healthy remainder of my pregnancy and for a healthy baby girl. I am constantly in prayer for Kolt as this will be such an adjustment for him. I pray for Kyle and me, as we become parents of two sweet babies.
The verse I chose for Kolt during my pregnancy was Jeremiah 1:5 – “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart.” This was also his baby dedication verse. 

We chose Psalm 139:14 for Kylee Jo – “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.” 

Kolt revealed the gender!

Kylee Jo Maxie

Playing on the field in between games with Daddy :)

Family picture after great conference wins!

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" - Matthew 19:14

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Christmas 2013

“But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Luke 9:10&11

Merry Christmas!

Our Christmas was filled with food, family, and fun. It was so much fun celebrating Kolt’s second Christmas (We were a little more prepared this year!) With our church having 3 days of services we chose to go on Sunday. The service was absolutely wonderful and they completely out did themselves! Monday, Kyle and I were able to finish the rest of our Christmas shopping. Tuesday we celebrated during the day at Kyle’s parents’ house. That afternoon we went and had Christmas at Kyle’s Granny’s. Tuesday night, Santa visited our house and left lots of goodies for Koltman.  He did not want to wake up on Christmas morning (which probably won’t happen too many more times). Once he did wake up, he walked into the living room and was happy to see all of his toys. After we played with our toys for a bit, we went and ate breakfast at MawMaw and PawPaw’s house. We stayed there for majority of the day. Christmas night my parents came and did Christmas all over again!

We loved being able to spend so much time with our family as we celebrated the birth of our Savior.

Here are a few pictures from Christmas.

The first thing he ran to that morning!
Taking a second to pose with his new toys

Cheese with mommy!

Daddy & Kolt opening his new toys

Checking things out

He knew what to do with his new trucks!
So sweet!
Cheese in front of MawMaw's tree

Sweet boy!

Family Christmas picture 2013
Christmas pictures with my family

I love this one of us!
Wild Man!
Wild man again...:)

Kolt's First Birthday

From December 8, 2012-December 8, 2013 our sweet boy accomplished so much and filled our lives with joy that we cannot put into words. On December 7, 2013 we celebrated Kolt’s first birthday Mickey Mouse style with family and friends. Along with food and presents, Kolt enjoyed getting to “smash his cake”. It took him a few minutes to get started but once he got the hang of it he loved digging in the cake.

We are so thankful we had so many loved ones at Kolt’s party to help us celebrate this sweet milestone in his life. Here are a few pictures from his special day.

Family picture before the party
A few of the decorations

I loved how his invitation turned out!

Pictures from birth-11 months!
Kolt's cake to smash and eat

Everyone's Mickey cake to enjoy

This is the look of success! :)
Lots of presents!
His 4-wheeler from Daddy & Mommy
So glad his best friend, Cannon and his family could help us celebrate!

The end of the day ended with Kolt asleep in the truck before we even left. He was so sweet during his party but it definitely wore him out being the birthday boy! We worked so hard at making his party enjoyable for him and I think we succeeded! I already have a few ideas for next year! :)