Welcome to "Life with the Maxies"! Kyle likes to think of it as "Maxie Madness". We live in Hattiesburg and are the proud parents of Kolt Allen who is 19 months and Kylee Jo who just recently turned one month old. Kyle is the head baseball coach at PCS and I am a first grade teacher at Earl Travillion Attendance Center. We attend Venture Church and are so happy that God chose to lead us there! We are so thankful for all of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us and pray that He can use us to be His light for others to see Him.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Kolt Allen Maxie

Obviously I am not very good with blogging. However, lately I have really wanted to type out the crazy chaos we experienced while having Kolt. Some of it is still hard for me to believe! My sweet baby definitely wanted to make a grand entrance into the world. He would not settle for ordinary!

My due date was set for January 3, 2013. This was a blessing for me since I was in my final semester at Alabama. What most people do not realize is how strict the University is during our internship. We are only allowed two sick days and can earn only one personal day. Also, we are in the schools five days a week all day. However, Kyle and I made the decision at the beginning of my pregnancy that we would use a doctor in Hattiesburg because we knew I needed to deliver at Forrest General. (Kyle’s dad has worked there for years and is now a director at one of their branches in Columbia and Tyler Town). Already we knew this wouldn’t be “typical” pregnancy. I was living two and half hours from my husband and my doctor (not to mention living by myself). I was traveling back and forth to my appointments and yes, I was the one who drove me there and back! After every check up I would say “I think I make Dr. Holland nervous being so far away!”. With only two days for doctor’s appointments I had to take half days to help spread them out. That being said, I didn’t have a day that “I just didn’t feel well” and could not go to school. The Lord was with me every step of the way during the semester. He blessed me with two amazing teachers who were so good to me and Kolt. During my first internship I was with Pre-Kindergarten students (they were all four years old) and my next internship was with fifth grade.

One of the big things that stressed me out during my pregnancy was the fact that unlike most pregnant women, they live in the place where they want to make the nursery. When I got the sudden urge to “nest” in Kolt’s nursery, I couldn’t. Once I got here on the weekends I was exhausted from teaching and driving that I really didn’t want to do much. Mean while during the week in Tuscaloosa I was slowly beginning to pack up what I could while being pregnant (mind you I had been living here for two and a half years). Kyle was great help with the nursery. He was putting things together and arranging while sending me pictures of the results.

The semester flew by and the next thing I knew, it was Thanksgiving. I was miserable at Thanksgiving! Everyone kept telling me they felt like he would could at Christmas and I was starting to think that myself. My last day of teaching was scheduled to be December 7th which was the end of my semester. Towards the end of my internship I was definitely feeling like I would pop! It worked out with my personal day that I could take December 7th off so my last day was that Thursday the 6th. Kyle was scheduled to be in Jackson, MS at a teacher’s conference that Friday. We had planned for him to drive over to Tuscaloosa that afternoon and help me finish packing. His dad has scheduled movers to come on Saturday and once they got there I was heading to Hattiesburg (I couldn’t handle watching them move my stuff out, too stressful!) where I would organize all the stuff we got from our baby shower, that Sunday. The few weeks I had been completely stressed out with school, graduation, moving, and having a baby!

Friday rolled around and it felt like any other pregnant day. I actually slept until about 10. Kyle was able to leave his conference early and made his way to Tuscaloosa. He got there around one. Within thirty minutes of Kyle being there, my water broke. I called my mom at school and said “Don’t freak out…but…I think my water just broke.” Well she was definitely not expecting that! I called the doctor and they told me to head on to Hattiesburg. All I can say is, poor Kyle! He never took his eyes off the road or his foot off the gas pedal! The night before I had started packing a hospital bad…just in case I needed it before all of my stuff was unpacked in Hattiesburg (the Lord knew what he was doing!). I had all of these plans of using my last few weeks before Kolt to unpack, clean, and organize..but those plans quickly flew out the window! Once the doctor told me to come on and I began having contractions, I told my family to head to Hattiesburg. Kyle’s dad kept calling asking how far apart my contractions were. Little did they know I was having them the whole way there, but didn’t tell them because I knew we could make it to Hattiesburg and I didn’t want to freak anyone out more! (Kyle got really mad about that one…oops!)

We made pulled up to Forrest General in honestly about an hour and a half. It takes two and a half if you go the normal speed. Kyle was determined we would get there! I was in good spirits the whole way, bugging Kyle by singing Christmas songs and even said “No, Luke Bryan I cannot shake it for you, I am in labor”..ha! Mr. Bryan (Kyle’s dad) was waiting for me at the door with a wheel chair. The head nurse was also with him. I was soon in a room and being examined. They informed us, we were gonna have a baby! My parents got there along with the rest of Kyle’s family. My water had broken around 1:30 so I figured it wouldn’t be too long. Boy was I wrong! I was in labor all night with very little progress. We also had a really big scare. I became nauseous during the night and was given medicine to help it go away. I had an allergic reaction to the medication. I don’t mean just itching. I went out of my mind, hallucinating, the medicine made my chest muscles tighten which made me feel like I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t control my upper body and kept hollering. I can remember the doctor saying “She’s not having a seizure, but this is what one looks like.” I was so worried about my baby. I was finally able to take a drug to counteract with the other medicine and I calmed down. It was a long two hours for everyone! Not to mention that sixteen babies were born that night. So the staff was running ragged! I am so thankful for my precious nurse and the doctor who literally sat in front of my bed the whole two hours out of concern.

I had been told I would probably have a baby by around four or five a.m. believe me, I was watching the clock however, no change! When the nurses made their shift change, my “drill sergeant” as Kyle called her, made me lay on my sides telling me things had to change on their own quickly or we would be making other plans. When my little boy decided he was ready to make an appearance, he was ready! She checked on me at 7 and I was only 5 cm. at about 9:45 they were calling the doctor in my room and at 9:59 a.m. we welcomed Kolt Allen Maxie into the world! He weighed 6 pounds 11 ozs and was 19 ¾ inches long. He is the most beautiful thing I have laid my eyes on!

The craziness was still not over. I still had to finish packing my stuff and move out of my apartment. Plus Kyle’s truck was still in Tuscaloosa. We had to take my car to be able to have the car seat. On Sunday, my parents and Mr. Bryan and two movers all GRACIOUSLY went to finish packing my up my stuff and moving it to Hattiesburg. I knew I had a lot of stuff, but gahlee! I felt so bad for them having to do my dirty work! Having boxes and stuff ALL over the house was not what I wanted to bring my baby home to! But, everything got to the house and day by day we were able to unpack and rearrange. I had applied to walk at my graduation on December 15. But since Kolt was only a week old, and we hadn’t even been home from the hospital that long..I figured not walking was for the best. I knew I would have my diploma either way!

Kyle was amazing through all of this. He was by my side through it all. He is a natural daddy and loves his son with all of his heart. During the time that we were in the hospital (we had to stay a few extra days) Kyle had to make and give his final exam. I’m not sure how he juggled it all!

I was beyond grateful and thankful that my mama was able to come to Hattiesburg for two weeks to help us. I wouldn’t have made it without her! I think my sister and daddy barely made it without her! I’m also thankful she was here because after Kolt was born, I got a real bad infection and was running fever every day in the 102s. After days on antibiotics didn’t help, I finally gave in one night and let Kyle take me to the ER. It was so hard leaving Kolt for even a few hours, but I knew he was in the best of hands. The whole time I was at the hospital I was praying they would not admit me. Even thought the doctor really wanted too, he knew this new mommy couldn’t be away from her son! The IV and 750 mlg 3 times a day antibiotic finally cleared the infection!

I cannot express how blessed I truly am. My whole life I have waited to have my own precious family and God answered my prayers. God has provided for us constantly. Kyle and I could not have asked for a better baby (people are constantly telling us how good he is!). I pray daily to be the Proverbs 31 wife and mother.

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