Welcome to "Life with the Maxies"! Kyle likes to think of it as "Maxie Madness". We live in Hattiesburg and are the proud parents of Kolt Allen who is 19 months and Kylee Jo who just recently turned one month old. Kyle is the head baseball coach at PCS and I am a first grade teacher at Earl Travillion Attendance Center. We attend Venture Church and are so happy that God chose to lead us there! We are so thankful for all of the many blessings God has bestowed upon us and pray that He can use us to be His light for others to see Him.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Guilty or Not Guilty? A working mom's guilt

    To all the guilt-ridden mommies out there. I feel you. 110% feel you. As a "teacher-mommy" I've felt the guilt creep back up on me the last two weeks. Even more so tonight when I was unpacking the groceries my husband bought. Why would groceries bring on guilt? Because it was Lunchables, fruit cups, Gogurts, and other lunchbox goodies. My heart hurt at the thought of me packing their lunch boxes for another lunch not at home. 
But you know what? When I was starting to take that guilt trip, God reminded me of a few things. 

1. I'm working to help contribute to being able to provide for my babies. My husband coaches & I teach. Unless he gets a call from the bigs to coach, I'll keep my day job. 
2. God gave me a calling. While I wont be there to give them hugs before their naps and smiles when they wake up, I'm giving hugs and smiles to other kids that need them. Since I was little all I ever wanted to be was a teacher. I love the quote (roughly) "I hope when I stand before God I can say that I used all of the talent He gave me." And I truly hope that. 
3. While that guilt tries to sneak up it is often crushed by the sound of goldfish being poured on the carpet, cups of water being dumped out of the tub, or screams over who's cup is which. (Those were just before lunch..I'll leave the rest for your imagination.) Don't get me wrong, I love being home with my two toddlers but man, the days have been long lately! (I commend you ladies that do it!) I don't think God called me to be a SAHM. At least not during this season of life. 

    As a product of 2 hardworking parents, one a teacher with summers off & one a Fire Marshall that could be called out at any moment, the result is appreciation. I now know the struggle of late nights and early mornings with others depending on you. I'm not scarred from having working parents and don't remember any time of "neglect" due to their commitments.

    So whether you're a teacher with summers off, a hairstylist with a different schedule each week, or a heart surgeon that could be called out at any moment. don't let that guilt sneak up on you. God created us all for a purpose. Some of our purposes are for us to be SAHM while others are split between being a working mommy. Now, go change the world mommies! (Or diapers, whichever happens to come first!) 
"Wash me clean from my GUILT. Wash me from my sins." Psalms 51:2

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